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Spalding Gentlemen’s Society C/D 01/08/20

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bald eagle | 23:38 Fri 24th Jul 2020 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Clues only, please

77. An amusing name for such a small pet in 2002?
78. The Rock doctor?
120. Can often be found in Iceland?
124. There were six altogether, but only half that number at any one time?
126. Look up twice to get the first line of this 1970’s song?

Thank you


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is there a theme ?
120 erupting hot water jets
Question Author
Thank you for responses, appreciated. Mallyh, questions are a mixed batch, and the answers contain 1 letter g and 2 letter S .
Rules state can request clues only, not answers.
Hope that helps
Kind regards

Letter counts might help
77. 3,4
78. 7,9
120. 5,3,6,4
124. 5,3,7
126. 6,6,5
Plus the rule of one letter g and two letter s in the answer
78 Is a movie fictional FBI agent

I need clues please for the following:
He grew up on a council estate in East London, his occupation sounds like he folds paper for a living, what is his professional name ? (9,5)

105 He has used 3 different names allegedly, what does he currently use ? (5,6)

111. Brazilian Soccer player born in 1990 (7,5,7) can't find one with only 1 g and only 2 s's

Thank you
Can you give me a clue please to
26 You might want to sit this question out, then put it behind you? 7,7

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Spalding Gentlemen’s Society C/D 01/08/20

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