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What's Something You Don't Have To Be 70 To Realize?

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Answerdaquestion | 01:24 Sat 26th Sep 2020 | Quizzes & Puzzles
14 Answers
What's something you don't have to be 70 to realize?


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Saying NO to the missus is bad for your health :-(
06:06 Sat 26th Sep 2020
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You don't have to be 70 to realise that one and one is one, though you might need a medicine head...
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Birdie1971 Stop replying to my posts. You are harassing me! You have called names asked inappropriate questions and now harassing me! Leave me alone! #stopbullyingpeople!
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LOL! True @JimF
Birdie a

You can realise anything at any age. Life teaches us at different paces...
that life is for the living
Breathing is good for you!
you don't have to be 70 to realise ...
You can't remember what you went upstairs for.??

Am I Right ?
I'm Not Wrong !
Saying NO to the missus is bad for your health :-(
Make the most of every day and if you arent happy with the idea of getting older then think of the alternative!
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"New" member Sat 26th Sept. 1.04
Complaining of being "bullied" and "harassed" Sat 26th Sept. 2.48

Oh dear. Bodes well for the future...unless you know different.
Being forgetful. My daughters are worse than me.

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What's Something You Don't Have To Be 70 To Realize?

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