27. .....while barmaids worked to design his ship, ( 2, 5, 7 )
I know the anagram has been pointed out before so I think the answer is one of his three ships; but which one and why?
Thank you jennyferd, that's the one I put down at first, but then he did design two other big ones, but as neither of those are now in existence I suppose SSGB should be the answer.
Thank you also bobbinwales but 27 is actually 9 letters (already sorted) and 75 is really 2, 5 and 7.
Ok MM- a was just going off your question which said the barmaids clue was number 27 with a patten of 2,5,7.
A was thinking the ships name started with THE but a can see now that theres a 2 letter word (well initials) that works