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All Aboard C/D 30.11

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vic-lou | 06:27 Sun 15th Nov 2020 | Quizzes & Puzzles
14 Answers
I am completely stuck on my last 1:
87. the course sailors follow to improve their wellbeing (5,5)


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steam ahead?
steam a head if that makes sense???
The first word is a course that's famous, think of horses, the second is another word for sailors. The whole answer will improve their, your, anyone's well-being.
epsom salts
Yes, that's it.
Ya got it Emmie
i did with a lot of help... Neverscrosswords
Always accept help
helps one learn
it does...
I hoped my (rather large) hint would help vic-lou - and Emmie too as she'd had a stab at the answer. I am pleased it worked.
Me too
Question Author
Thank you all sorry for the delay but i fell back asleep!
don't blame you, glad we all could help

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All Aboard C/D 30.11

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