Wisbech- Save The Children 24/5/21
Really stuck on the last 4
27 nonsense poem 9,4
34. looks at adoration 5,2,9 ( alice in wonderland ?)
51. Andrew lloyd webber etc 3,8 ( we have the producers for no. 26)
100. needs audience participation 3,5,6,7,4
Hope this helps everyone.
I contacted the sitter and he apologises but pages 1 and 2 were not the final draft so here is the correct letter count. He says that some of these clues may be void but it is nice to be able to complete the quiz.
Q27 - should be 3,7,2,3,5
Q30 - should be 5,6
Q34 - should be 7,2,4
Q51 - answer sheet is 3,8 but he thinks it should be 3,5,3 but they are checking the correct spelling of the title
Q75 - should be 4,2,2,2,5
Q80 - should be 10
Cheers donnart. The Billy Elliot correction was issued a while ago, its a shame the others have only just been announced as it were clear awhile ago there were so many query's over these