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Henderson Park Garden Project . C/D 31/7

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mrsmaggot | 15:46 Sun 20th Jun 2021 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
All answers include a first name
6) Looks like he’s got his cooked meat using tape.


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seen as: hamstrung and lambasted.
Hamstrung looks okay but cant sees name. lambasted looks good too tho and has Ted in
Mrsmaggot this is my last one as well. I'm unsure on this one too.
Stru is an obscure name but at least hamstrung uses the tape. Lambasted doesnt explain the tape a dont think?
Maybe using tape is a 'sounds like' reference sola
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I don’t get the lambasted answer to do with tape either .
If anyone does can you explain please.
The nearest I can get and it is tenuous is - to baste in sewing is to tack before a final hem for instance and you can get basting tape to save tacking.

As I say, a stretch.
I have put Petersham. Peter's ham
Petersham ribbon is a kind of tape used in sewing.
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Thank you .
Ah, back in the haberdashery section - well done.

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Henderson Park Garden Project . C/D 31/7

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