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Logical Puzzle

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granny grump | 20:30 Mon 05th Jul 2021 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
I have seen this puzzle in many forms and still don't understand it

Please can anyone explain it to me? It would put me out of my misery

You are driving to Newtown. when you come to a T-junction, with no signs. You don't know which way to go.

Standing beside the junction are two men, and - somehow - you know that one always tells the truth and the other one always lies. But you don't know which is which.

What question must you ask of either man which will tell you which way to go?


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You ask either of them to point you towards the way that the other guy would say is correct.

Let's say that the correct way is to the left:

If you ask the lie teller, he'll say that the truth teller will point you to the right. (The truth teller would actually point you to the left but you're getting your information through a lie-teller, so the information gets reversed).

If you ask the truth teller, he'll truthfully tell you that the other guy would lie and tell you to go right.

So you'll end up with the WRONG direction in either case, so you go in the OPPOSITE direction to the answer you've just been given ;-)
You ask either man what the other one would say if you asked him instead. Whatever the answer, you choose the opposite one. If the man you ask is the liar, then his answer is a lie. If the man you ask tells the truth then the other's answer must be a lie.
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Thank you both for the explanation

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Logical Puzzle

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