2)You might turn into one of these if you sneak mince pies after midnight (8)
6)Passion indeed? (4,8)
9) Cold but fast (3,5,7)
21)A legendary king of the festive season?(6,8)
if there is an incorrect number count for any of these the setter has been putting 8 letters for the word Christmas.
Poodledoo - don't see this listed in the monthly round-up - perhap you might post details of how to get a copy as plenty of time for other people to support this quiz.
If this quiz is available by mail with sae and details given on the quiz sheet and the quiz advertised albeit locally. I don't see an issue unless the setter has requested no asking on internet forums.
As you seem reluctant to post details perhaps when you return your quiz you could ask if the setter would like future quizzes advertised here. I'm sure it would raise further funds for a worthwhile cause.
I thought that yesterday when the details for Kettering where given. They did use to advertise on here so they must have stopped for a reason. Too late for that one now though