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Famous People Quiz

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gerry-g | 14:49 Tue 23rd Nov 2021 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
46th US president's given name where I suggest the Gallic word is removed


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Rotary club of Uttoxeter quiz closing date 18 January 2022. Oh and only published yesterday!
Joseph (Robinette) Biden.
Seems odd to include the Gallic bit since the "46th President" is a big clue to the answer.

Would it be marked as incorrect if the middle name were included?
surely it can't be as easy as that
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Joe Sugg

Joe (Biden) & Suggest minus "est" (Gallic/French for "is")
Once you get to grips with a quiz then you get a feel of how the clues work.

Available on their website.
Why ask the day after it came out when you obviously gave it more thought and solved it

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