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Robbieb0790 | 10:07 Thu 24th Feb 2022 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers
The word opal displayed vertically with the pal part in dark letters


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very iffy ...ring a friend
even more iffy - a friendship set in stone

Why vertically ? "lap up".....
Nothing set in stone ?
cast the first stone?
opal written vertically must be significant but it doesn't help me :-)
get blood out of a stone
oh i'm going for a lie down lol x
Just a thought - Opal can be known as Milk opal - so? lap up milk'
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The answer was Gemini it was vertical because it looks like a letter I poor clue for me
never would have got that x
Very clever. The 'O' being the dot of the letter i
haven't seen the original but i don't see a vertical pal as a dotless i :-)
pal in dark letters, o in light letters. Seen worse
Perhaps there was a gap between the o and the pal

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