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Spalding Gentlemen Society Quiz

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quizzkid | 16:21 Fri 25th Feb 2022 | Quizzes & Puzzles
91 Answers
I have been trying to solve some questions on Spalding Gentlemen Society quiz but they are pictures and not sure how to show them on here. Really struggling with this quiz.


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Can you put numbers on I'm struggling with some of the other questions done all the pictures
Some of this quiz is "impossible". I like to support them, but have sent mine back already incomplete, as my brain was totally wracked!
Currently working through the quiz. Happy to trade answers.

At time of posting I need 4, 6-10, 12-14, 16, 19-20, 26, 29, 31-33, 35, 37, 56, 59 & 71 - but I may get some of these by the time posters return to this question.
Is there a link available to view the quiz?
To display pictures here, scan the relevant area of the quiz sheet, saving the file in jpg format, or take a photograph of it on your mobile phone, camera or other device. Alternatively, if you received the quiz sheet in pdf format, use the Windows Snipping Tool (or Windows Snip & Sketch) to obtain a screen grab of a photo, ensuring that you save it into jpg format.

Once you've got a jpg file, containing a quiz picture, onto your computer, upload it to here:

Copy either of the first two links in the list that appears, then paste it into a post here on AB (preferably giving it a line to itself).
Setter has requested clues only Tuvok
for "answers" read "clues"
12 Look at handles?
29 is an anagram of a favourite food
Which numbers are you struggling with?
TUVOK, have you looked at this site?

I noticed that at least one has no official capital.
Thats the site I used for the others.

I've got a few more since I posted - and 2 thanks to Captain2.

I thought I'd solved no. 6, but they all were what I thought!
56 Is a very small island country in Oceania
Have you got 56 and 59 yet?
59 Only this one country begins with this vowel
59 Almost a woman and more than a man. ;))
Oh man...
71 The anagram should read "Salerooms slushy" (ie there are 3xS)
71 Forget that I can't count the anagram is correct

The first two names are what she was known as, the third is her married surname

Look around 1958 - 1961

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Spalding Gentlemen Society Quiz

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