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3 Dingbats

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stuarthinde | 18:45 Sat 17th Dec 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers

2. 00I (could be 001)

3. Him Him
Him Him
Him Him

(the first line of him's are in italics in the style of a chuch song book)


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3 you've given the answer youself surely it hymns?
Question Author
Its too simple, it is something to do with hymns but theres more to it.

As they're in different fonts....

Hymns ancient and modern

2. Turn of the century
must be hymns ancient and modern -sorry for being late but only justlogged in
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Thanks, the answers given were right.
J_LEAD was Hook, line and sinker

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3 Dingbats

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