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beerbelly | 19:01 Sun 18th Dec 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
any help appreciated with last few .
( assuming my others are correct ,which is by no means certain )
49a) an insurer to whom a wreck has been left .
50d) plant such as woad used for colouring
100d) involving inductive reasoning ( logic ) 1,10
A ?S?T???O?I
124a) a retraction of a former statement (11)

118d) city in s.e france (7) A???N?N


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49 Abandonee

49a Abandonee

50d Dyer's weed

100d A Posteriori

124a Recantation

118d Avignon

Question Author
many thanks to you both .
Casoria is also in Campania, Italy. What a bad clue to put in given there's no way to rule either option out!
Question Author
well spotted ORLY , guess we'll have to take pot luck !

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