Smile Quiz C/D 30 Sept London Underground Stations in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Smile Quiz C/D 30 Sept London Underground Stations

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granny grump | 21:05 Mon 29th Aug 2022 | Quizzes & Puzzles
16 Answers
Please can you help with the following
71. 100 wooed Rick and student around Thameslink Station (11)
73. Oh go back to two students joining quiet rescue boat (7 4)
78. What tongue twister was doing to flute because is endless (7 3)
82. Doctor's friend, Ms Brown, gives to valley near hoover building (8)
84. He initially destroyed Earl's hideout in the North West (9)
85 A bird gets mystical line before rod surrounds a station (8 4)
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73 Ho-ll-and P-ark
21:10 Mon 29th Aug 2022
71 Cricklewood
73 Ho-ll-and P-ark
82 Perivale
84 H-arles-den
78 is Tooting Bec
78. tooting bec
85. finchley road ?
85 Finch-ley Ro-a-d
Question Author
Thank you both for your help. I don't understand the answers to 78 & 82
82 Peri (Brown) is/was a Dr Who 'assistant' + Vale = valley
78 Presumably you'd be twisting your tongue playing the flute, ie Tooting + Bec(ause) ie endless
Can anybody tell me how to get the quiz

Thank you
Thanks have sent off know I don't remember saying thank you for the address another senior moment get them more often theses days
Question Author
Thank you Captain2 & Sam My knowledge is being boosted daily :-))I don't watch Dr Who and the tongue twister is a new one

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Smile Quiz C/D 30 Sept London Underground Stations

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