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sun times travel questio 2

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GEORGESS | 13:13 Sat 24th Dec 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers

kemari : china or japan

any thoughts welcome

many thanks



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Japenese most definately japenese yep japenese definately most positively japenese.

Wikipedea is ambiguous on this. I am not sure wether it means that kemari was introduced from China or whether it was the forerunner of tsu chu that was introduced.

On the other hand, other sites do specifically state that kemari was introduced from China.

Tricky one this. Having surfed 20+ sites Japan has it for me.

Kamari, tjhe game of 'keepy uppy' is significant from Tsu Chu which was more like what we know as football. This site does it for me.

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thank you all.

going with japan

have a good one

There are a lot of sites that say the game was introduced from China to Japan (via Korea).

I think the correct answer is China. On the other hand the answer that The Times is looking for is probably Japan.

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