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Goodworth Clatford Quiz 2022

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semajnai | 08:26 Wed 04th Jan 2023 | Quizzes & Puzzles
25 Answers
This brain numbing cryptic quiz is around again, closing date 17 January. I am struggling generally.. In the section that requires me to find the "odd one out", one question lists "laugh, nocturnal, rugby, smarten". I can see a possible, probably unlikely, connection through the Seven Dwarves (Happy, Sleepy, Bashful and Doc respectively), but that does not leave an odd one out. Any profound thoughts?


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lAUGh, nOCTurnal, rugby, sMARten
08:37 Wed 04th Jan 2023
theres often several possible answer's for these, like Smamrten as all them others have a U in
I can see Happy , not sure about Sleepy unless it means during the day as ncoturnal means awake at night....but I am less sure about Bashful (gets lots of bashes at rugby???) and cant see why smarten is Doc
*ok , can see Doc was the wise/smart one.... but its all abit wooly to me
Possibly Doc (s)Marten?
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Thanks bobbinwales. This setter is usually very careful to ensure that there can be only one correct answer. It can be pretty obscure, and then, when (if...) it does occur, it is blindingly obvious!!
Rugby.... all teh others have abbreviated months in
Now am feeling smart!
lAUGh, nOCTurnal, rugby, sMARten
Good idea Bobb!
Thanks Tilly.... people do tell me am not as daft as I look
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Bobbinwales that's a cracker!!
Any help with these 3 from same section Odd one out
1 Danube, Oder, Rhone, Thames
2 Cameroon, Malaysia, Panama, Papua New Guinea
3 Action, Ever, Right, Sever
Thames only flows through one country while others cross borders??
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-ed can be added to action, right and sever, but not to ever ..?
3 Sever- you cannot put an "F" in front of it

Faction Fever Fright Fsever
More likely the answers that you can add an F to the start of right, ever and action to make words but not to sever, if that make's sense??
jj109s types faster than me
cameroon is the only one without 3 A's in it?
2 Very iffy - Malaysia has a star on its flag with 14 points. The stars on the flags of the other 3 only have 5 points

2 also iffy - Cameroon - The capital city Yaoundé is 1 word, the other three have capitals of two words Kuala Lumpur, Panama City and Port Moresby

Carry on looking for something better!

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Goodworth Clatford Quiz 2022

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