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Noise, We Hear, On Court

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stuart_mb | 08:48 Sat 14th Jan 2023 | Quizzes & Puzzles
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Noise, we hear, on court


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Margo Tester
It is actually spelt Racquet
I complained about the spelling of raquet several months ago and was informed that "racket" is now accepted for tennis equipment. Google it!
Look at the 2nd paragraph - racket is the correct spelling for noise
I don't think we're quibbling about the fact that a "Racket" is a noise, just the way to spell the word for a piece of tennis equipment. I think this clue is looking for the name of something found on a tennis court which sounds like a noise; unfortunately both "Racket" and "Racquet" fit the bill.
Agreed it could be either but I took the defining word to be 'noise' and the normal crossword answer for that is racket. So I guess it depends on whether it's a 6 or 7 letter answer
The International Tennis Federation uses "racket" in its rules of tennis but I would use the "racquet" spelling.

Regarding the clue, as "we hear" is included, does that not suggest an answer that sounds like a word meaning a noise, rather than that word?
Racquet .. 22,25,12,21,7,6,1 .. Z is 2 and V is 11. As the letter ‘A’ is usually common this helps set ‘25’ and usually only 1 ‘Q’ .. and there is only one ‘21’. Enjoy your day ..
Come back Satprof - all is forgiven!!!!!
if it was going to be "racket" you wouldn't need the "we hear", as they're the same word whether we hear them or see them. So racquet.
grunt :~)

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Noise, We Hear, On Court

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