The Times 28578 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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The Times 28578

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TioMateo | 19:14 Wed 19th Apr 2023 | Crosswords
9 Answers
Thank you all. Still stuck in the top right hand corner :-

Lots of liquid rising in vessel (5) S???P

Country that splits the difference between male and female adults? (4) ??A?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Lots of liquid = POOLS, reversed = SLOOP = vessel
19:15 Wed 19th Apr 2023
Lots of liquid = POOLS, reversed = SLOOP = vessel
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I'm sure you're right with (W)Oman, Captain 2, but I'm still iffy about the precise parsing. Please could you expand. TIA
The difference between MAN and WOMAN is WO so splitting the difference W/O

(Must admit don't see why 'adultS' - should be singular to me)
^^^^ suppose it's because 'man' and 'woman' are the adult version of male and female, to distinguish from boy and girl
I thought it meant no man, the O standing for none.
Could be Cash, who knows? - well apart from the compiler. ;0))
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Thanks C2. I agree with both your caveats, particularly re adult(S) instead of adult. But my main gripe is that OMAN (as the definition, by being a country) is not splitting ANYTHING. It is 4 letters coming AFTER W. And W is not even the difference between MAN & WOMAN, which is WO. I know I'm pedantic, but I do think this is a poor clue, particularly for The Times.
'And W is not even the difference between MAN & WOMAN, which is WO'

Tio, WO was where I was coming from at 20.29.

Agreed, bit of an odd clue for The Times. (Unless someone else can be more precise).

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