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patsyann | 15:05 Sat 31st Dec 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers

Could someone please explain to me why some Questions are right in the middle of all sorts of weird symbols and gobbledegook.I find it hard to sort out.

Also in the answers LOL is often used at the end.I like to think it means lots of love!!!.



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The weird gobbledegook is when a post gets converted (somehow) to HTML ( Hyper Text Mark-up Language), a sort of programming code.

Dont know what LOL means, at a guess Lots Of Love

Hi patsyann & eaglchris

I always understood LOL to mean laugh out loud. I have always used this on text and IM messages and now in my e-mails. It saves putting hee hee hee or ha ha ha all the time, or so that whoever I am writing too knows I am joking or am just being friendly. It is hard to know what context people mean things in when it is written, no emotion. I tend to put a smiley face too :o)
if I feel what I have written could be taken the wrong way.

Hope I have been of some help :o)

Question Author
Thanks for your replies.Happy New Year to both of you and my version of LOL just because it is New Year.
The HTML code problem has been around for a while now and some individuals have cured it and some not. At one stage, an application called HotBar was being blamed for interfering with the post. Removal of this cured it for some. Others said they never had it. Possibly another program (spyware?) is to blame on their machines. Either way, it seems to be the result of a software clash. Someone else also suggested that copying and pasting from another application might be the cause, but I have done that without problems.

so do I patsyann

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