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st gk no 686

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mohill | 04:30 Sun 01st Jan 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers

First puzzle of the year and I am baffled!

1. sound of nightingale (3 - 3) _ U _ - _ _ G

2. mouldings in later Norman architecture ( 8 )

_ O _ _ _ E _ H

3. poppet, someone who is sweet ( 5,3)

K _ _ _ _ _ _ E (last word pie??)

4. prelim exam for Cambridge Uni last sat in 1961(6,2) L _ _ T _ _ _ _

5. audio signal given by computer (6) E _ R _ _ _

Thanks for your help



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2. dogteeth
3. is usually cutie pie?
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Many thanks don1.

I had thought of cutie pie and it would be OK if the word KAZACHOK could be written KAZACHOC. I have used KAZACHOK in answer to: high kicks are performed from a squatting position in this russian dance. This gives me a k and not a c to start the word.

Your answer dogteeth gives me - - n - t - r e for an 8 letter word meaning 'important point of time'. I don't get the meaning of 'point of time' as distinct from the more usual 'point in time'.

Maybe you can help further?


Important point of time = juncture.
1. Jug-jug, according to T S Eliot's poem 'The Waste Land'.

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st gk no 686

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