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dtgk 31/12

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faraday | 16:39 Sun 01st Jan 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
2 Answers
A further comment to add to the answers on DANAID from pega and Gowergirl. It is off-putting to draw a blank from all dictionaries. Putting firstly "butterfly + danaid" and then "butterfly + danaida" is quite instructive - the results are very different! This is in my experience guite unusual.


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What are you going on about? And what is guite unusual?
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I omitted to add "in Google" after "Putting". Sorry! Of course danaida is the Latin form of the English danaid, but I expected to find this stated, early on, in the search. Perhaps I should have scrolled through more pages - I didn't do more than three, which I find is more than enough usually.

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