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Ladies of importance

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janeevans | 14:39 Mon 02nd Jan 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers

I need a famous lady who will fit this clue.

"Is there anything like a dame?"



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judi dench? the song is from south pacific but i'm not sure if mitzi gaynor, who sung it is a dame, i think julie andrews is though,

cheers jan

Hello jan1956, you're still using lower case letters all the time aren't you? It looks terrible when it involves people's names and places! Is there a reason why you do this-just interested?

dkeyse if you check this i can use upper case but most people just want an answer not all the full stops and speach marks in place. it seems it is only you ot bothers so please don't check any more of my replys as i will use which ever case i choose even my suit case if i want

happy new year in upper case to you dkeyse

ps are you biley in disguise?

i cannot believe it i typed all that in upper case and was printed in lower
Biley was NEVER as bad as that jan1956!

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Ladies of importance

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