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Dore And Totley United Reformed Church

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Janmatt | 18:35 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers

All answers have either PEN or INK in them.

34.  Miss Carson is getting smaller (9,6)

43. Pisa's landmark isn't this Gothic style (13)


Many thanks in advance for any suggestions.



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34    Shrinking Violet

43 perpendicular?

It clearly states on the quiz sheet to not ask for any help with this quiz on the internet.

pulse, do you ever get bored of trawling through AB quizzes and puzzles, looking for ne'er-do-wells asking illict questions?

I'm sure one of the eds has stated - probably umpteen times - that AB is not responsible for enforcing the 'rules', commands, whatever of any quiz, puzzle or crossword.

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Dore And Totley United Reformed Church

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