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All Answers End In Ship

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xword fanati | 15:29 Sat 31st Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
18 Answers

15 Prefers ferrero rocher ??????????ship

48 This person is settled on one side ????????ship

55 He is off travelling with Rod Stewart ??????ship



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48 oneupmanship

55 iffy Fellowship?

This is Clacton Lions - which only came out last night!  Closing date 31 March 2025

55. ? sailorship but ?? whether one word.  



48  Partisanship?

Ir the poster had added the name of the quiz and closing date the anwerers might have thought twice (ha ha!)

March 2025......that's shockingly early even by answerbank standards.



If you intend asking any more questions for this or any other quizzes please follow the site guidelines.

"Enter the name of the Quiz/Puzzle in the Question title field and please don't forget to add a closing date if one is applicable!"

Someone on is not a happy bunny.

"The Clacton Lions quiz closes on 31st March 2025 and someone is asking already on AB
I think that site is getting worse for cheating!"

Oh dear, how sad, never mind...

Maybe it will drive more users to AB - that can only be a good thing.  People rarely escape once they get here

//Maybe it will drive more users to AB - that can only be a good thing. //


How sad😭


March 2025......that's shockingly early even by answerbank standards.

To quote madgeorge.


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