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Snitch On The Cow (6 Letters). Little Molly's Clue (6 Letters). Overwhelm (6 Letters). Knockout Opera (6 Letters). Cheat Time (8 Letters). Turned Into Ruin (8 Letters). Fresh Buzzer (7 Letters). Boast Special Cereal (7 Letters).

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lyndsey2018 | 20:12 Wed 25th Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers

The quiz sheet is called "Games" from our local scouts in Milnthorpe, Cumbria



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1 Snitch On The Cow (6 Letters).

2 Little Molly's Clue (6 Letters).

3 Overwhelm (6 Letters).

4 Knockout Opera (6 Letters).

5 Cheat Time (8 Letters).

6 Turned Into Ruin (8 Letters).

7 Fresh Buzzer (7 Letters). 

8 Boast Special Cereal (7 Letters).

Thanks Captain, I was just about to do that!

5 cribbage

Please put the name of the quiz and the Closing date as per site guidelines.

Closing Date 10th January 2025

8 croquet....crow special k

'Closing Date 10th January 2025' - think I'll pass till after Xmas. 😉

Don't mention the C 🎄word Captain - it's still September  😄

It's alright, Toorak, I'm allowed to - sprouits went on last week. 😁

Glad you are well prepared - ours will go on soon 😄

You've now got me worried that ours will be too hard 🤔

3 boggle?

Lyndsey2018.  You have posted the wrong way round. Title and Closing Date in the top line. All the questions in the box. You will find it much easier. 

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Do you know the answer?

Snitch On The Cow (6 Letters). Little Molly's Clue (6 Letters). Overwhelm (6 Letters). Knockout Opera (6 Letters). Cheat Time (8 Letters). Turned Into Ruin (8 Letters). Fresh Buzzer (7 Letters). Boast Special Cereal (7 Letters).

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