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Soups And Stews ( Closes 30Th November )

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galasalmon | 19:41 Mon 21st Oct 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers

Help please 

27/ Copper & litre with Mr Henry at 19.11has pen fluid (6 5) 

Wee dram with short sibling ( 6, 5) 24/ Coal pit and small pebble with 18 intruding ( 10) 18 is Irish stew , and R is 18th letter of alphabet, 



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27 Cu L Len sk ink

Second one Scotch broth (er)

5 Mine st R one

24 minestrone

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Thanks Scorpiojo and Toorak .

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Soups And Stews ( Closes 30Th November )

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