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Mingle Enthusiastically With A Piano, A Cello And A Violin

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mentaldental | 17:25 Wed 04th Dec 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
29 Answers

Three/ tri cryptic quiz theme in aid of international scout trip




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The title of an episode of an 11 year old US drama is stretching it, but who knows?
09:04 Thu 05th Dec 2024

Threesome has been suggested 


Does three or tri have to form part of the answer?

Could it be as simple as 'trio'? 

GLEE is hidden in there. But it could also involve Piano Trio

Could you post another clue from the quiz?  It might help get an idea of the form

The title of an episode of an 11 year old US drama is stretching it, but who knows?

Ok, maybe mine is a red herring.

It would be better to have included the letter count. The answer is 11 letters 


That changes everything, thanks nma

Do you know the answer or have you found the quiz?

I don't know the answer (although THREESOME has been suggested) but found this previous thread which gave letter counts for all these.

nma, the link says the answer is 9 letters ?

Yes I misremembered. 9 letters.


Threesome fits but the clue is very cumbersome and idont get the  'mingle enthusiastically' bit

That would be a 'nudge nudge wink wink' threesome, as opposed to a piano threesome 

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Thanks for your help everyone- it is indeed 9 letters but I still don't get it!

Another clue :-

Pointless deep sofas thrown about in the garden   2,6

pointless deep sofas = deep sofas minus a point, i.e. E

making it now depsofas

 the answer is: (three) of spades (anagram of depsofas)

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Thank you so much everyone for help with the three/tri quiz.

struggling with 2 more:-

Powerful script revealed by heating a single circle approaches delivery instruction every other two, also, without light, tie together.



and to listen to brown notes



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Mingle Enthusiastically With A Piano, A Cello And A Violin

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