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ON THE ROAD | 13:21 Sun 15th Jan 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
does anyone know which novelist once abandoned plans to make a film of her life, saying no actress was beautiful enough to play her. Previous answers unfortunately were unsucessful


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I know this has been asked a few times and no correct answer found, how will u know the correct answer? Do you have any other clues?
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Unfortunately there aren't any additional clues .. I only wish there were. I am only able to eliminate previous suggestions on the basis of the fact that I have been unable to find the comment attributable to those novelists. I suspect the use of the word novelist rather than author, suggests someone like catherine cookson or barbara cartland and that it is more likely to be a tongue in cheek comment, rather than from someone incredibly vain but who knows.
I know I thought of Jackie Collins but it could be Jilly Cooper.

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