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UK river quiz

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rogerr | 20:49 Sun 22nd Jan 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers

Apologies for putting this on again;but stuff gets lost amongst the crossword questions.

waste time 6

entymology--the foaming river 7 (I know it's spelt wrong but that is, as is, in the clue

western australia male group 7

various forms 8

successful stroke with everybody 7

new french general 8



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I reiterate:

'Waste time' Thesaurus entry gives piddle as synonym
Chambers . . . to trifle, to mess about

etymology: River Lowther = The foaming river.
( )
Derivation of Lake District Rivers
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Sorry Gen2 but i wasn't sure about your answer--thought you might be taking the p---
Question Author
Just like to ask,but us ordinary people get a lot of stick for using this site and not doing the legwork on google.. Not all of us are that good at it, any good tips--I would apreciate it.

rogerr, The trick to successfully using Google is to remember that it searches for matches of the words on a webpage. Don't type in a question like you might with 'Ask Jeeves', think what key words are likely to be on your target page. Put quote marks round words that must appear together.

For example, in the foaming river example, I deduced that a target page would have the word means and the two-word phrase foaming river on it

I therefore entered the following in Google:
means "foaming river"
and the very first hit gave me the answer.

Question Author

Thanks gen2, that is very helpful--no wonder I wasn't doing very well.


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