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can you help me decode the following

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falconer1961 | 22:36 Mon 23rd Jan 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers

40 dol

1963 aopk

13 iabd

1215 dotsotmc

1966 ewtwc

2001 so



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This would be better in Quizzes and Puzzles

13 iabd = 13 in a bakers dozen

1966 England won the world cup

2001 Space Oddysey

40 Days of Lent
1215 date of the signing of the Magna Carta
1963 Assination of President Kennedy
Strewth!! How do you do that Briwrite? That's amazing.
40 days of lent
1966 England won the world cup

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can you help me decode the following

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