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Times Anagram

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rsw299 | 13:27 Thu 26th Jan 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

Can anyone get the anagram of S O M T U T E I - it's driving us mad!!




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Brilliant! Thank you!
RSW: why not just use an anagram website??

timeouts as well


I like to use my brain when I can, quizmonkey.

I come on to this site to help where I can.

What's the point of visiting this site otherwise?

But if, as you say, an anagram's "driving you mad" surely the quickest way to crack it is just stick it in an anagram engine??

And yes, I do know the point of using this site - I just wish everyone else did too.
Er we are getting a bit mixed up here - it was rsw299 who asked the question and hobbitess who answered it.

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Times Anagram

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