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Sat Times Cryptic

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tickety | 10:17 Mon 27th Feb 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
1 Across - Can anyone explain why the answer to - 'an effect of position at the front begiunning to wear off' - should be PLACEBO


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Reference is to 'the placebo effect'.
Position = place; front = bow (without the w - beginning to wear)

There's the "Placebo Effect" in medical trials.

PLACE = position and BOW = front

Now remove W = Beginning of WEAR

And "Good Morning, Quizmonkey"!
So glad we agree!
Question Author
Many thanks for that. Being a nautical man, I should have got that.

This was also just about the last one I managed to work out, though it seemed a bit easier this week - or perhaps I just hit it a the right beer level...!

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Sat Times Cryptic

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