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Overland Odyssey 92 & 95

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Goofy | 14:31 Thu 04th May 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
23 Answers
Getting there slowly, but still a few left. Any clues for the above please?


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Goofy If I said that Q94 hinged on an anagram, which words would form the anagram and which word would suggest that it was an anagram?
Goofy I've just been reading your comic comment below. It's nice to be appreciated! Now I am v. pleased I helped you out!
92 Is also an anagram "a brooch e".

Thanks for your help so hope this helps you out.

Jenny18 (and Goofy) Ouch - that hurt! Bad advice! Back to the drawingboard, Jenny18!

If it were an anagram of "a brooch e" (and it's NOT) - how could the "e" be justified? Eh?

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crofter - not 94 which I have. glad my remarks appreciated.
Q95 Think of another word that means FILLETS (as in fish)! ... and build on it!
Jenny18 crofter is right,it is not an anagram of ( a brooch e)
Sorry but I have got barooche as the answer for this which is an anagram of "a brooch e" the aleternatived spelling for this is Barouche.

Dont tell me this is another one of those where there could be more than one answer.
Sorry I meant Alternative I think I have tried a Tim ?.
By the way there are several of us in our group who arrived at this anser without consultation.

Perhaps it is the way we think in this part of the country.

Jenny18 No matter how many arrived at your answer, you're all wrong (100% postitive). Where in the clue did your "e" come from?

There are NOT alternative answers either!

As I said before -"Ouch - that hurt! Bad advice"

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I agree that it can't be barooche because of no 'E' in the clue, but perhaps a clue as to what it might be please crofter.

we took bare as being uncover to arrive at our answer are you saying it should be barouche as in bare + ouch
Jenny18 Have you looked up OUCH in a latest version of Chambers Dictionary?

Thanks for that can I now see how it is ouch - talk about getting fixed on a route and not willing to get sidetracked.
Pity there isnt a clue for " a stubborn mule" which is me at times.

Sorry if I seemed abrupt, but you really did need to be shaken out of your complacency. I prefer that word to stubbornness! Good luck with the Quiz
Thanks Crofter

I do tend to find once I've got a certain thing in my mind I find it hard to go off on another tangent.

I have only one left to complete and that is no. 59. My mind is stuck on thinking it is something to do with John Wayne and that there is an anagram in there somewhere. An I being complacent again.
Why is some clues I see as being easy others dont and vice versa.
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Jenny18 - 59 is an anagram of (I suspect) of a limb to insdie the letters BE (as in BEheld). Trouble is i can't get it!

Goofy You're getting a lot of hints for typing "HA HA". Don't laugh at my jokes any more. It goes to my head!

You're on precisely the right track to solving one of the nicest clues in the Quiz. How many Waynes do you know - after John, Sleep and Rooney!

By the way, what's the story behind you having the name of a well-known comic character!

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cos I was feeling really dumb when i first signed up!
only took a few hints to get 92 - see goofy!

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Overland Odyssey 92 & 95

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