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great fun quiz 7

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sidley | 14:46 Mon 22nd May 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
odd word out alienator alarming collapse diabolical


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Diabolical as the others are anagrams

Alienator Rationale

Alarming Marginal

Collapse Escallop

Question Author
I am obliged to you Kayakamina for your prompt response. It is unlikely that I would have solved that!! I have managed the other 49 questions on GFQ 7 but too many of his questions can have more than one answer. Very bad for Quiz!!
I believe GFQ is compiled by the person who does GBQ and it is unusual (though not rare) for there to be more than one answer to his questions. Is GFQ on line? How did you get the questions?
Question Author
To dml54, I have friend who sends for the Great Fun Quiz. It costs �5-00p for each entry and there are money prizes for correct answers. However not all entrants who submit 50 correct answers receive a prize!! I believe he advertises on this web. Regards Sidley.

Hi There

Would any of you like to explain Q42 to me? I accept his comment about the order being irrelevanf i.e 10 then 14 is the same as 14 then 10,but how does that affect double 7 then 10 or 14 then double 5?

For those of you who do not do this quiz the question asks how many different ways is it possible to obtain a total of exactly 24 with two darts,both of which must score

Many Thanks

PS I am also struggling on Q's 26,28 29 & 34 and I got full marks last month !!!

For the purposes of the quiz throwing the first dart in single 10 and the second dart in double 7 is the same as throwing the first dart in double 7 and the second dart in 10 -ie they count as once.

Question Author
Spursfan, No 26 answer is James

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great fun quiz 7

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