Multiply the numerators (Top numbers) 3x1 = 3,over the denominators (Bottom numbers) 5x6 =30, which is 3/30 then simplify it. Which would be finding a number that divides into both. thus 3 into 3 is 1, over 3 into 30 is 10 = 1/10
3/5 x 1/6 = 3x1/ 5x6 = 3/30 =1/10 hope you can understand my working cos i found it difficult to get the computer to do what i wanted. it's she by the way
It's a long time since I was at school, way way back in the last century, and I remembered about the common denominator i.e. 30 but instead of multiplying the numerators, I continued as if it were an addition.