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trades and professions

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chelle017 | 16:52 Tue 06th Jun 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers

1) Rope for fastening a boat (7)

2) European buffer (6,8)

3) Could be boss if I was out (4)

4) Tennis advantage and golf club (3,6) Some kind of driver I presume

5) One who examines the coppers?(6,9)

6) Bill with a braid of hair (7)

7) Ask advice of an insect? No - of this person (10)

8) Dog and a hill (7)



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1. Painter.
4. Van driver.
7. Consultant.
5. Police Inspector.
6. Actress.
2. French polisher.
3. Chef.
8 Curator.
Blast! Pipped at the post. I was just about to enter it, Geo.
Sorry QM, I just logged on and saw a space. I don't spend as much time on here as I used to, just the occasional glance.

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