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Capel quiz

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juliely | 08:44 Fri 09th Jun 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Can anyone give me a hint on q6 please?


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Can you give us a hint what the question is?
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sorry Spotty Dog

Fruit and veg quiz
A Dome, on Russian Church ? (5)

Any ideas?
hint - my answer is a vegetable that looks like their unique shape.
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Bigger hint please.
My answer might make you cry!
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Thanks Miss B, I would not have got that from the clue. I do not see the connection. Do you have no 7?

I agree the clue doesn't have a connection other than their shape - my answer may not be correct of course!

7. Again my answer relates to a vegetable shape (a pickled one this time) which is the nickname of this modern landmark building.

Question Author
thanks, MissBoots. Got it!

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Capel quiz

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