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Today's guardian

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maimai | 13:21 Sat 08th Jul 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
Been up since 7. Started looking at this at 8. Four hours later and I'm missing something really obvious. Any nudges for starters please...


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As you know it is a limerick. To get you going start at 3d 'There was an old man of '..... I found once i had got 22a
(hint bagatelle) I was away. Good luck K
Question Author
thank you I'd been googling and looking up and going wrong. not enough coffee.
just finished it. how you doing?
Who me ? K
Question Author
I just struggling along at my own pace with my dictionary.... may be back later.
Forgive me if this has already been discussed, but I can't find it. Finished the puzzle, but why does he say "a mouthful of pips" is the last line, when it can't be? And what is the last line?

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Thanks for the prompts, I actually enjoyed it once got into it but have two left: 10a and 16a.
As for the final part of the limerick.... too sore a head for me to worry about that yet...

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Today's guardian

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