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What's in your trolley quiz

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Arabesque | 15:50 Thu 03rd Aug 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
24 Answers
Stuck on a few. Help appreciated

2. Roman goes with a large stone (5)
12. Club the X in this German town (10)
22. Perhaps mere lack of the fish (8)
29. Been forced all the way from Argentina (6,4)
35.Sold for one of these (7)
44. Iron these (7)
56. Elizabeth falls behind (5)
59. In pyjamas (7)
72. Diced red fruit (7,8)


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now bananas or kippers what a dilemma
any ideas on No 21 'Copper repeated with the Doctor and the Queen' (8) & No 46 'Morsel loses its stinger for cats and dogs' (8)
Thanks for any help
46) Crumpets
Morsel = Crumb ( stinger in the tail ) minus B.
Cats and Dogs = Pets

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What's in your trolley quiz

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