Hmmm......if it was Born Free .. I can see the unconfined bit (free) but born doesn't really tie in with confinement ..or does it ..Still thinking about this one !!
Rogers suggestion are good ..although I have never heard of these books .!
The only other thing I can come up with is The Long walk to Freedom ..Mandela .
Although on the other hand ..unconfined can mean Great and a confinement is also an Expectation as in pregnancy.
I'm rambling now !!
I did look them up Roger and they are not really books that a quiz compiler would throw into a quiz ..surely ? They seem a bit obscure .....I would have thought that a good compiler would have thrown in things like great classics,well known childrens literature...20th century classics and well known modern fiction.
What was that book Geoffrey Archer wrote ? That was something about prison wasn't it ?