Your question answered Emails in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Your question answered Emails

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anotheoldgit | 14:51 Mon 07th Aug 2006 | Technology
5 Answers
Can anyone please tell me how I can block all the Emails I get telling me my question has been answered?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Go to A B suggestions Post number 25 Sorry not tech minded .
Just edit your profile
In whichever question it is, isn't there a link that says "Report question as answered" ??
Stevie is right. There is box in the column to the right of your question which reads 'Got an answer to your question? click here if you do not want to receive any more answers'
To find the 'box on the right' , you have to go back to a question that you, as the poster actually asked.

Alternatively, click on 'my profile and find the replies (including your own) that were posted the last time this question was asked

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