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Egg heads.

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Waaii | 12:58 Tue 15th Aug 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
Thanks for your answers. I saw Judith Kepple win and had heard of Chris Hughes and Kevin of course but CJ deMooi seemed to just appear from nowhere, he said once (I am pretty sure) that he chose the name de Mooi because it meant pretty one in ? but this may have been a joke. Agree he adds pzzaz but often wondered what his background/what he did before he was 'discovered' that we never saw/heard of him before. Like the programme!


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Put up to get a profle of CJ.
Have just looked at the link from bridgenut - surely this cannot be true? I hope it is tongue-in-cheek as this material is libelous. Whatever, there's a lot of sad people out there.
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Thanks Minaru and others as for Bridgenut, sorry I may be old fashioned but this is just NOT the sort of thing I expect to be reading on this sort of website. I have a sense of humour but that is not even funny. Lacks decent vocabulary too in my view.
hiya - CJ de Mooi

the profile on is, of course, the 'authorised/ approved' publicity version approved by de Mooi himself ............

might be better to look at other sites for comment ..... there are plenty ....... just google his name ......... e.g.

{Today, being 'controversial' in public gains increased poll ratings}

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Egg heads.

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