Well, sometimes, Lakeslass. In the sentence: "He drove a fast car" we see 'a' in front of 'fast' and 'fast' is an adjective! At least it is in this sentence, but it can be a noun, a verb and an adverb, too!)
(Yes, of course I know what you mean...I'm just quibbling!)
Dee-M-See I wanted to get a message to you via the back door as it were - away from the public gaze - to apologise for my answer to your two-digit problem.
I usually try to answer the maths problems set by bobobalde111 who likes to see how I arrived at the solution. This explains my two-stage solution of WHAT the answer is and then HOW did I get it.
I enjoyed solving your problem, but in future if you want answer only (and cut out the maths) I do just that.