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endanger | 14:16 Fri 08th Sep 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
all 6 letters
Rod on the spot to stop brawl (hyphenated)

Scots keenly start to study life

Sales gimmick lacking finish, kind almost including sleep

Sorting out revolutionary tune? Get excited about that

Nymphs being led by gentleman



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You have now asked for 9 answers in this one crossword. No offence but what's the point of 'doing' advanced crosswords if you can't 'do' them?
Question Author
No offence taken - I find the best way to improve myself is by trying more difficult crosswords and with a few answers can spot patterns and get a few solutions myself. That's how I started on the easier ones like the Telegraph, with lots of help, and now I can do virtually all of it myself. That's my aim too with the trickier ones and I'm really sorry Quizmonkey if my frequent postings have irritated you. In future, if you don't want to, just don't reply to my postings. Having said that I intend to continue asking the best website around for as much help as I need.
They do not irritate me and, as you know, I have solved many of your clues for you! I emphasise I am not being impolite at all - but just couldn't imagine doing something I needed so much help with. You almost might as well wait for the solution.
Triage incidentally (sorting) - so no hard feelings!
5. Sir+ens
Question Author
definitely no hard feelings - I do really appreciate all your help. The thing for me is that it may be 9 or 10 answers I am given but that still means I am completing 3/4 of the crossword myself - a few months ago I couldn't solve a single one!
Endanger, you also asked for about seven answers for last week's Private Eye crossword. Do you not think you should be attempting a crossword that is not beyond you ? One or two answer requests, yes, but not as many as you seem to need.
Question Author
I had no idea people were counting how many requests I put in.
People - lets not lose sight of the purpose of this site: to help people. If you put a ceiling on the number of requests someone can ask then it can become quite alienating. Remember, not only is this site supposed to give people answers it is also there to allow people the opportunity to help people and solve clues for them. If you limit the number of requests then the site will be seriously compromised and move away from the fun resource that it currently is.
As a suggestion, why don't you enquire of the AB Editor if you can set a rule restricting the number of requests.
To be honest, I feel a little bit like I am being driven away from this site, something that has given me enormous pleasure over the last few months.
I hope you feel glad
Nobody wants to drive you from the site; so please do not take it that way.

As you know I have answered as many of your questions as anyone and have enjoyed assisting your progression from the coffee-time puzzles you were on through to the more difficult cryptics.

If i may be permitted i feel you have been trying to make the jump from basic crosswords to the really more advanced ones a bit too quickly. You have attempted to move from the Telegraph to the Spectator in a few weeks. This is rarely possible and has lead to you posting a lot more questions , including many without any starting letters, as you are stuck.
Take it more slowly ,a natural progression Telegraph ,Times Cryptic and Jumbo,Guardian , And so on up to the Spectator and The Listener!
I am a supporter of yours so don't give up !
Best wishes K
Question Author
thanks K for your help and advice, and support. I do appreciate it.

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