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Wow I'Ve won!

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Big Al1st | 20:30 Mon 11th Sep 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
17 Answers
Just after congratulating Lennypops on her great win, I had a phone call saying I have won first prize of �50 in a Chippenham general knowledge quiz. First time ever.
Bit chuffed. Maybe it's an omen for us AB quizzers?
Good luck Rgds Al


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well done, hope it is an omen! :-)
Oooh I say ..we are on a roll ! Good luck to you Big Al1st ..well done !
Congratulations, Al.
Question Author
Thanks everyone.
If Pquinlan is around a big thanks to him as he helped me alot on one particular section I was stuck on. Forgot to thank him in original post Al
That's 3 winners this weekend I've seen...excellent!
Congratulations Big Al1st lets hope we get some more Abers on the winning lists. :-)
congratulations! three winners in as many days.
Well done Big Al.

Just before I went to work this morning, I had a phone call too. It appears that I have won �30 in a local 'Summer' quiz. (It does look like Ab'ers are on a roll). I finally managed to exchange my Thresher's voucher for a bottle of rum at the weekend too, which I won from the Sunday Express sports crossword a few months ago.

Going to have a small glass of rum tonight, (purely medicinal of course), to help me sleep :-)
Well done Big Alst & also Magyar.
Congratulations to you both
Oh have a big one Magyar ... lol xx
Big Al1st ... Now I know where to come for answers ... Yes ? Now you've proved yourself I think you are my bestest friend in the whole wide world ... (think Melksham !!!) xx
Question Author
Thanks Val and Eartha. Melksham answers maybe out soon. I think she was going to try and finish ASAP as they are off to China for Hols.
Dont think I will do much there although missed out on a prize at Xmas by two points. Oh well

Hi Magyar
Well done reckon they will ban ABers from quizzes soon lol
WOW - congratulations Al!!!

Like I said, you can't win if you don't play!!!

Helen x
Congratulations winners. It's good to see ABs winning quizzes.
I do hope this infection continues to spread - especially as far as Tyneside!!
EXCELLENT news, Big Al and Magyar.

Maybe I'll get that Telegraph pen one day, after all....
Well done, Big Al, I'm delighted to have made a contribution to a winning entry (and you were very thankful in the original post). I must say I am proud of e,g,e,g,e. Enjoy your winnings, and well done to all other recent AB winners.
Question Author
Hi Pquinlan, Nice to see you are still around.
Just to finish things, ref the Terry Pratchett question I put S and P Down and the quizmaster marked P as correct.

I have since learnt that I (we) were one of only a few that got e g e g e g e right. As you saig Arthur G worked well for you.
Take care Al

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