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outwit the west

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michaelbaxle | 19:27 Tue 12th Sep 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
2 Answers
75. no name applied?


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if this is a Marlboro question please type Marlboro in the left hand box . Many sites have been set up to help with this quiz .
You will find help and advice on the Marlboro Outwit the West contest at the following forums which have been set up specifically to deal with �Outwit the West�. er/ er?forum_id=16535

and recently

Good luck with the quiz. Several of the answers given on this site and the forums are likely to be misleading given the value of the prize involved so do lots of research to cross-check and verify any answers you find.

You can access previous answers and clues given on this site by using the search facility and typing in a keyword from the question and then searching this site. Initial help was given from this site but now with the Marlboro forums up and running I suspect that no further answers will be found here.

Good luck with your efforts.

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outwit the west

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