25a.A heartless teacher with an Asian.7 letters. A?????n. 22down.Bill sent back with good cause.5 letters.C???? 20d.Component of computerised organs.5 letters.U???? 26a.Old and lead lined Dutch bar.7 letters.??????e.Any help will be gratefully received.
Thank you shaneystar2.I thought that an Arabian was not an Asian but an Arab but it fits.
Do you have 27 across.Complaint thought rash.(hyphenated)13 letters.I have ?????n?i?e?e?.
I am feeling useless this afternoon.Just getting over a hip replacement and not able to sit comfortably to concentrate.Poor me.Aagh.Seriously I am stuck on 27 across as stated also 17 down.rough path or road in shadow 5 letters.s?a?? Shade?
finally 3 down.10 possibly getting a plant.a?i?
for 26a I now have c for the fourth letter.
Dear shaneystar can you help so that I can escape to a comfy chair.
Shaneystar 2 I am completely nuts this afternoon.You gave me the answer ill considered but I misread it as iii considered meaning you had three possibilities.Please forgive me.someone else has given me the same answer now it makes sense.
Hi patsyann....have answered some more on your other post up a bit but just want to say I hope you will soon feel better.
I am going down the rocky road to a new hip in the foreseeable future.A friend of mine had hers done about six months ago and she's running about with a new lease of life.Take it easy and you will soon be skipping back and forth to the computer desk !!
Best wishes for a speedy recovery