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Saga crossword October

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tony keates | 16:05 Tue 26th Sep 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
Two answers escape me! These are: 1d. Ring on catching me up(5). I have ??M?L and 16d. Poet's river has beginning but no end(4). I have A?P?
Please help!


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!D is Gemel ..I think ..not got as far as the other one yet!
gemel a ring with two or more links
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Thanks shaneystar. I thought originally that 16d could be ARNO until 20a intervened with a P. Could end in PO perhaps?
Yes, I wasw about to suggest Arno .......... i.e Subject of a Poem by Oscar Wilde, also river in Italy and gives "no" ending.
It's ALPH as in the sacred river Alph in the Kublai Khan poem - alpha without the end.
Hmm ..20A must be Physic because Macbeth says "Throw physic to the dogs, I'll none of it"
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Thankyou sarumite; the problem with ARNO is that 20 ac. is PHYSIC which messes up the original idea!
Oh well don QM ..many thanks ..I would have been here all day !
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You must be right Quizmonkey - thankyou for helping us to get there!
No prob - one of my favourite poems!

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Saga crossword October

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