Thanks for those, so obvious when you see them.
Can you help with one more?
1. Ultimate, do say
Furze has been give as a possible answer. I'm thinking along the lines of TLE (tell) for do say but stuck with ultimate - if that makes sense! So far I've come up with beetle, cattle, nettle, thistle.
satpam - thanks, I'll add it to my favourites. At the moment I use Andy's anagrams or Chambers Word Wizards - I had pheasant but couldn't find the second word
Hi rocky, Sorry I can't help, still thinking about no 1 as above and I'm stuck on no 4. Granny C has also asked this one and I'm keeping an eye on her thread. Keep thinking of field (as in Sedgefield and Tony Blair at no 10) but it doesn't really fit!
One good turn deserves another - I'll add this anagram solver to my list as well!
Note that one I have suggested (and quoted by satpam)allows for a change of language!!