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local quiz part 2

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FRISKA | 21:31 Sat 30th Sep 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
What connects the answers to the following five questions -
1 - Sum of money paid for the release of a person held against their will (I presume RANSOM ?)
2- Credited with the invention of frozen food ? (? Clarence Birdseye)
3- Government office held successively by Geoffrey Howe,Nigel Lawson, John Major ( Is it Chancellor of the Exchequer ?)
4- Name of Russian spacecraft which crashed into the moon in 1959 (Lunik 2 ?)
5- Presenter of childrens TV Show TISWAS and its adult equivalent OTT (? Chris Tarrant)


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Is this the Whatstandwell Quiz connecting link section S ?? xx
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hi earthkitten. You are correct. It is the Whatstandwell quiz. S is the only one I am having trouble with. FRISKA

The only thing that comes to mind is HOUSE
1RANSOM HOUSE is a publishing company
2CLARENCE HOUSE used to be the Queen Mum s place
3CHANCELLOR HOUSE is .I think, a museum or arts centre
4LUNA (2) HOUSE ,you would have to check
5(JOHN) GORMAN HOUSE is another Arts centre/museum

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local quiz part 2

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